Quickly and easily refund or return your items through our Returns Portal!

You have 30 days from the date of delivery to return/refund your items. If you require a return, refund, or warranty claim, please write to us at

Our products are made to order. We do not refund due to 'change of mind'. We will provide a refund if the product has been damaged or has any issues.
If you provided a wrong address, kindly email us quickly, before we ship out the product.

Damaged Product
If the product arrives damaged. Whether due to shipping care or a manufacturer’s defect, we will honor a 100% full refund or exchange. We will require photo evidence of this via email to

Product not as described
If the product arrives and the customer can prove that it does not match up with what they ordered. We will honor a return for a full refund or exchange for a different item.

Product lost in transit
If the product doesn't arrive because it is lost in transit, then we will immediately reship the product for you!

Customer has given the wrong address
We will not give any refund or resend any product due to any wrong given addresses. However, please notify us as soon as you can before it is delivered to the wrong address.

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